WOW - A Science of Tribes, Sleep Set 2016

Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd November Business Design Centre, Islington London

Five design companies participated within the Sleep Set 2016. The Sleep Set is a yearly feature that provides a challenge to produce a guestroom, and in this case a room each for a different tribe. These tribes were; digital avant-garde, established, intellectual, performer and sensory orientated.

Machan worked alongside Alan Lai at WOW architects to produce to help produce the lighting concept, oversee the 2 day on-site install, attend the exhibition itself and review the dismantle and return to suppliers of the lighting product. 

The science of tribes, the tribe that was assigned to WOW was The Intellectuals and to focus on the loss of the bath tub, reading material, pause points all closely associated to the luxury of time, equally noting the loss of time, and the present day urgency of all matters.

‘A retreat for uncertain times. The room as haven of safety and comfort where guests select their preferred reality from a menu of options. The threatened bath tub because the central character and it will rethink the placement of elements in a room’ WOW Architects.’

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